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Changsha Jinde Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of medical imaging equipments and air sterilization products. Our main product catagories include LED X-ray film viewer, Plasma air sterilizer, MRI non-magnetic stretcher & wheelchair, medical computer cart and other medical devices.

Our company is ISO9001certificated and most of the products are CE marked and we own some patented know-hows. 
DIESOLIS Solar Panel is committed to by in the global scope to provide green intelligent energy solutions to meet customers increasingly rich variety of energy demand. Relying on in the field of renewable energy accumulation of professional knowledge, rich experience and continuous innovation activities, the new DIESOLIS energy photovoltaic system for the global tens of gigawatts of provides excellent performance of the system equipment, for the global hundreds of megawatts of DIESOLIS photovoltaic power station custom and the successful implementation of the station and intelligent solutions. 
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Changsha Jinde Tech

ADD: 5/F, Bldg A2, Lugu Yuyuan, No. 27 Wenxuan Road, Changsha, 410205, Hunan.China
TEL: 0086-731-85122549
FAX: 0086-731-85123549



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