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Jinde Tech Won The Honor of Hunan Province Anti Covid-19 Caring Enterprise
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Jinde Tech Won The Honor of Hunan Province Anti Covid-19 Caring Enterprise

Views: 35     Author: jinde01@view-box.com     Publish Time: 2020-08-22      Origin: Jinde01@view-box.com

Jinde Tech won the honor of Hunan Province Anti  Covid-19 Caring Enterprise


During the Covid-19 epidemic, Jinde Tech  Plasma air sterilizer  has been sent to hospital domestic and world wide. And Plasma air sterilizer  as anti-epidemic products were donated to some related hospitals, which were commended Hunan Province Anti-epidemic Covid-19 Caring Enterprise.

In order to commend the "Medical Equipment Hunan Army" who made outstanding contributions during the anti-Covid-19  period, on August 22, the "Epidemic Prevention Material Caring Enterprise Commendation Conference" series of activities organized by the Hunan Medical Device Association was held in Changsha. Forty-eight companies including Shengxiang Biological, Biyang Medical,Sannuo Biological and Jinde Tech have won the honor of "Anti-epidemic Caring Enterprise". Li Weiwei, chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, attended and presented awards to some caring companies.

. The Vice Governor of Hunan Province  Chen Fei attended. 



Plasma air sterilizer Lydia from Jinde Tech 

Lydia Wu (WU MIN)Accepted the honor on behalf of Jinde Tech

Plasma air sterilizer Lydia Wu

                             Jinde Tech Plasma air sterilizer  won Hunan Province Anti  Covid-19 Caring Enterprise



If you are interested or have any questions about the Jinde medical negatoscope, please visit our website directly at www.view-box.com. Click the button online service or leave the message. Jinde Tech provide the high-end negatoscope, your whole process intimate consultants.


Editor:Ms  Lydia Wu-13875904684  Jinde01@view-box.com


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